Mom moved us to San Francisco away from the death valley of Phoenix! It's so much cooler here - wow, that's a serious plus. We get to hike, I learned to swim, I also learned that digging in the sand is most spectacular! The sand between my toes is most intriguing as I hear it's good for the coat. Typically, I dig when mom puts sand back into my hole as I'm digging it out (rude!), but also when I need to pick my stick back up out of that crap. Who wants a mouth and nose full of sand?! It makes the most sense that if I dig far enough, the stick will be easier and cleaner to grab - I've yet to find that point though.

But, I have to say by far the best part is I've fallen in love with the little human, Bjerre. I was most interested in her at first because she was just my size and she ran around a lot. Prime herding target! I learned to follow her up and around play structures, locking her down and kissing her face raw (so many hidden goodies all over), sitting next to her at the dinner table, and cuddling in bed! This little human is the best for kissy time because she lets me lick her face forever!
I love when Britni takes me to the coffee shop where she posts up to work. The Peets in Concord, CA is our favorite. I lay there looking handsome and cuddly, and it's like I'm a super star! Little and big humans alike talk about me or want to pet me. The little humans are my favorite because their faces are easily kissed. Some parent humans get grossed out (I'm not sure why), but most think it's pretty cute. I once played with a little girl and her golf ball for over an hour. She'd bounce it and I'd bring it back to her over and over again. Plus, she loved my kisses. I think all little humans are the best, and even if they're just out of reach, I'll bounce up to kiss their faces. :) Woof!

During one of my hikes, I came face to face with a huge, ugly beast. Mom called it a bull. We both put our heads down at each other before mom called me off. I wanted to herd it so badly! I was so angry at her for 1.3 seconds, but then I ran off to find a squirrel or five to chase so I was happy again. I did find a wild pig hiking once. I chase that ugly thing for a mile before I turned back around for mom. I was in a bit of trouble after that, but seriously, who doesn't want to chase bacon!?

I learned a bit of agility and obedience when we first came here. Agility was my FAVORITE! I was so excited I never knew how to slow down. I could bolt faster than any other mutt, but sometimes I went ahead of myself and missed a command. Who cares!? I loved it. I wish Mom had more time to do agility. It was THE best. She said she found a place in the city when we move - hopefully we get to go!
I've had so many adventures in this new place. Concrete jungle, beaches, woods, grasslands. There's always adventure out there!