I love my human. She's the best thing since dog crack was invented. (FYI Natural Balance food in a tube is some serious dog narcotic. My mind runs on all cylinders when that stuff comes out!! Oh my gosh, I can just taste it now...I'm drooling all over the computer, but I don't care right now. It's a mind-stimulating, out of this world treat I would do ANYthing for. I literally dance for it!)
Wow, off topic already. Sorry! Back to Britni. I love this human. She takes me to the park, beach, hiking, running, all over the place, and I can't get enough of her. I follow her everywhere, including the bathroom where she sits on my water bowl and I proceed to jump on her lap.
I wish she wouldn't leave me for long periods of time, which she calls work. It's the WORST! I give her the saddest look in the morning when she gets ready. She gives me treats when she leaves, but it doesn't sustain any hope or happiness. My life falls apart when she leaves.
And then, she comes home. And I go off the chain!! It's the type of feeling like I'm on doggy crack without the treats. My mind and body unfold with intense energy I have built up all day long while I wait for her to return. I don't bark or talk much, but when she comes home, we definitely talk to each other with loving affection. I'm telling her I missed her all day, but her noises are just random phrases that don't make any sense, yet I don't care. I don't blame her for not being able to speak dog. She is only human, you know.
Regardless, she makes it up by loving on me at all other points of the day. I'm typing with one paw while the other is up for her to scratch. I definitely do have the life. Don't you wish you were so lucky?!
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